Friday, September 27, 2019

Some pictures

Monday, October 8, 2012

Recognization Students

Antonio got a Silver Medal for Poomse and Silver Medal for Sparring at Michigan Cup on 09-29-12 at Kalamazoo, MI.
Good Job Antonio, keep that good works
Migeul got a Gold Medal for Poomse and Silver Medal for Sparring at Michigan Cup on 09-29-12 at Kalamazoo, MI
Good Job Migeul, keep that good works

Fernando is a best student of the year 2014
Zamani is a best student of the year 2014
Yaya and Ankhang are best student of 2019

Thursday, October 27, 2011

picture of belt test on 10-22-11

Mr. Louis Tran is 3rd DAN

Mr. Robert Walker is 3rd DAN
Mr.Francis Seminski is 4th DAN
Self Defense
spin back side kick
Mrs. Audra Burley is 1st DAN, front kick
spin back side kick
youngest guy is Logan Vang

GM Jonh Nguyen is 9th DAN
Mr.Anthony Walker is refferee
Latasha Gaston is 5th Gup
Ankhang Tran picture taken

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thanphong Taekwondo Academy NEWS

Happy New Year 2013

this New Year we hope you have a great times with Than Phong taekwondo and work hard to get your goal

09-29-Saturday TKD Tournament at Michigan Cup Championships
Antonio got 2 Silver Medal
Migeul got 1 Gold and 1 Silver

Monday, April 4, 2011

TP Michigan's Belt Test

Promotion Belt Test on 06/02/15

Antonio 2nd DAN 
Miguel 1st DAN POOM
Fernando Green Belt 6 Kup
Garibella Green Belt 6 Kup
Ankhang Yellow Belt 8 Kup
Bangsheng Yellow Strike 9 Kup

Congratulation to all of you. You all did very well. I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU.

Should any questions please call Thay 517-402-5899

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thanphong Martial Arts Lansing Michigan, USA

Master and Instructors:

Master Wilson Trang P. Tran is a 6 th Degree Black Belt of Taekwondo (TKD). He has been training and teaching TKD since 1998. He is the Director of the Than Phong TKD in Michigan, USA. He had been through many tournaments. Recently he won a GOLD MEDAL for breaking at the Great Lake Cup Taekwondo Championship. He earned Associate Degree in Criminal Justice at Lansing Community College, and under-graduate in Criminal Justice at Ferris States University. Nursing Assistant Currently he is  working at Hospital as a Patient Care Technician. He is a Certified Interpreter/Translation of Vietnamese and English in both the Medical and Legal language. If you are interesting in TKD, please contact me at 517-402-5899, email:, or visit us at Than Phong Taekwondo Training at Boys and Girls Club of Lansing MI, 48911

Instructor MS. Tina Ha is a 3rd Degree Black Belt of Taekwondo. She has been traing TKD for a long time back in 1900s\when was in Vietnam. She was competed at a World level. She was sparring with Korean TKD in 45 kg in Saigon, VN. She also traveled to Malaysia for TKD tournament. She has two daughter, Sandra Tran and Anissa Tran, they also a start of TKD.
Mr. Anthony E. Walker is a 2nd Degree Black Belt of TKD. He has been training and assisting with teaching TKD since 2002. He is very kind and helpful. He is a Teacher at Waverly High School. He has also earned his Masters in Education and he is a Football coach for Waverly High School.
Mr. Robert Walker is 3rd DAN black belt of TKD, he has been training TKD since 2002. He is very skillful and always train TKD with his best ability.

Mr. Louis Tran is 3rd DAN black belt of TKD. He is train hard every day. He is very helpful for Thanphong TKD of Lansing, MI. He is teaches classes and keep learning upon his level.

Please welcome new Instructor of Than Phong TKD of Michigan Academy
Mrs. Audra Burley is 2nd DAN black belt of TKD. She is currently a manager at Burger King. She had been training of TKD since 04-09. She had demonstrated of her best abilities of TKD all the times.

Schedule of Training


Boys and Girls Club of Lansing
Every Tuesday 
From: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm 

Minimum Requirments For TKD Belt Test & Ranking

White Belt: 10th Gup-Beginer Level
10 wks, block set # 1, Basic Taekwondo Kicks, Stances, and Punches, Basic Korean Terminology and Basic history of TKD-Than Phong

Yellow Stripe Belt: 9th Gup-Beginer Level
10 wks, Kibon 1, Kibon 2, Sasu , Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)

Yellow Belt: 8 Gup-Beginer Level10 wks, Taeguk II Jang,  Breaking 1 board, Sparring, Self Defense, 12 Basic techniuqe of Nunchuka, and Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)

Green Stripe Belt: 7 Gup-Beginer Level
10 wks, Taegeuk EE Jang,  Breaking 1 board, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchuka, (Kid is not required to know) Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)

Green Belt: 6 Gup-Intermediate Level12 wks, Taegeuk SAM Jang,  Breaking 2 boards, ( 14 and younger is 1 board), Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)
Blue Stripe Belt: 5 Gup-Intermediate Level12 wks, Taegeuk SA Jang,  Breaking 2 boards, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)

Blue Belt: 4 Gup-Intermediate Level
12 wks, Taegeuk OH Jang,  Breaking 2 boards, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)

Red Stripe Belt: 3 Gup-Advance Level14 wks, Taegeuk YOOK Jang,  Breaking 2 boards, (Adult is breaking 3 boards) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)
Red Belt: 2 Gup-Advance Level14 wks, Taegeuk CHIL Jang,  Breaking 2 boards, (Adult is breaking 3 boards) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)
Black Stripe Belt: 1 Gup-Advance Level14 wks, Taegeuk PAL Jang, Breaking 2 boards, (Adult is breaking 3 boards) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong)
Black Belt: Assistant Instructor6 months to 1 year, Koryo,  Breaking 3 boards, (Adult is 4 boards) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong). Tournament is required.
1 DAN: Instructor1 year to 2 years, Keumgang,  Breaking 4 boards, (Adult is 5 boards) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong), Able to teach a TKD class. Tournaments are Required.
2 DAN: Instructor2 years to 3 years, TaeBaek,  Breaking 4 boards, (Under 13 year old is no bricks) Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong), Able to teach a TKD class. Tournaments and Referee Skills are required.

3 DAN: Senior Instructor
(Must be 14 and older)3 years to 4 years, Pyongwon,  Breaking 5 boards, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong), Able to teach a TKD class. Tournaments and Referee Skills are required.
4 DAN: Master Instructor (Must be 18 and older)4 years to 5 years, Sip Jin,  Breaking 6 boards, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong), Able to teach a TKD class. Tournaments, Seminar and Referee Skills are required.

5 DAN: Master Instructor (Must be 24 and older)
5 years to 6 years, Jitae, Cheowon,  Breaking 8 boards, Sparring, Self Defense, Nunchaku, Bo Staff, Understand basic Korean Terminology and basic history of TKD (Than Phong). Tournaments, Seminar and Referee Skills are required.

6 DAN: Senior Master Instructor (Must be 30 and older)

7 DAN: Grand Master Instructor ( Must be 36 and older)
8 DAN: Grand Master Instructor(Must be 42 and older)
9 DAN: Senior Grand Master Instructor ( Must be 47 and older)
Pictures of Than Phong TKD Members
Left to Right: Mr. Robert E. Walker is 2nd DAN, Mr. Anthony E. Walker is 2nd
DAN, Senior Grand Master Victor Duc Phan is 9th DAN, Master Trang Tran is 4 DAN, and Master Roy Grills is 6th DAN.

Senior Grand Master Victor Duc Phan and Master Trang Tran

Senior Grand Master Victor Duc Phan and Mr. Anthony E. Walker

Master Trang Tran is in spin back side kick, Master Roy Grills was hold the board

Senior Grand Master Phan presented the TPMAF Certificated 2nd DAN to Mr. Robert E. Walker in Than Phong of Canada

Mr. Anthony E. Walker is side kick 2 board, Master Greg 5th DAN and Mr. Kevin 3rd DAN were hold the boards

Master Trang is sparring v.s Mr. Kevin, Master Greg was a Referee

Master Trang Tran v.s Mr. Brandon Alexander 1st DAN in Self Defense

Mr. Robert Walker and Mr. Anthony Walker in Keumgang Poomse

Master Trang Tran v.s Mr. Alexander in Self Defense

Mr. Kevin assisted Master Trang to improve the flexibility

Senior Master Roy Grills is 6th DAN, Master Trang Tran is 4th DAN, and Senior Grand Master Victor Duc Phan is 9th DAN

Master Trang was spining roundhouse to break a board

Mr. Robert is going to side hammer fit

Senior GM Victor Duc Phan was instructed Master Trang in Jitae

Senior GM Victor Duc Phan was instructed Master Trang in Chunkwon

Than Phong Lansing Michigan after the TKD belts Test in Nov. 09

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tenets of Taekwondo and Meaning

Courtesy: Le Phep: Students must show respect to their instructors, to higher-ranking students and to all others. Students must be polite and encourage a sense of justice. Students must constantly look within themselves and not be quick to judge others.
Integrity: Liem Chanh:
One must be able to define right and wrong and have the conscience, if wrong,to feel remorse. Within the training hall, one must honestly attempt to do whatever the instructor asks. If you are asked to do 20 pushups, do not do only 10 because the instructor is not watching you. Outside the training hall, students must not misrepresent themselves or rationalize their behavior.Perseverance: Nothing of any true good comes easy.
Perseverance: Nhan Nai: It's
patience are required to excel at anything. Perseverance means sticking to it. If you fail the first time, or even the hundredth time, try again, confident that you will succeed as long as your purpose is worthy.Self Control: Tu Chu: This tenet is extremely important inside and outside the training hall, either conducting oneself in free sparring or in one's personal affairs. Good self-control in free sparring enables you to execute stunning techniques without injuring your partners. Good self-control in daily life allows you to work comfortably and confidently with others.
Indomitable Spirit:
Bat Khuat: Never be afraid to be yourself and trust your judgment. Indomitable spirit is what enables you to keep your ideals and your identity in the face of overwhelming pressures. It is the strength to reject the things that "everyone else is doing" if you believe them to be wrong.